Future skills for a better life in Sustainable Salons

Conferences & fairs
Sustainable salon at RELOAD Gala in Spain
During the presentation of the Erasmus+ Future Skills for a better life in sustainable salons project by EL Palo to the attendees, it was found that, although most of them are fully aware of the problems we face in relation to sustainability, few know in depth the movement of change that is taking place in the hairdressing and beauty sector. We were able to appreciate the great interest generated by our European Project and we assumed the commitment to continue sharing and disseminating all the results and information obtained. In this way, we trust that more and more companies, training centers and organizations will be encouraged to work in a more sustainable way for the environment and to inform the people around them.
Sustainable salon at Estetika
Estetika is the favourite meeting place of all beauty professionals in the Benelux.
For 40 years, Estetika has been a unique fair giving visitors the most comprehensive overview of equipment, products, techniques, methods and training in their field.
Twice a year, in March and in October, thousands of beauty specialists, pedicurists and chiropodists, nail stylists, dermatologists and other professionals gather in Brussels Expo during Estetika Spring and Estetika Fall to discover the latest developments in their sector, as well as to place orders or to buy directly at the fair.
Estetika gives exhibitors the opportunity to present their products to thousands of professional visitors from Belgium, the Netherlands and France.
Pavia Hair Fashion award
On the first of July 2021 the Pavia Hair Fashion contest, a hairdressing contest for young hairdresser/barber will be organized, in collaboration with "Camera Italiana Acconciatura" and "Confartigianato" (a trade association for craft entrepreneurs, including beauty and hairdressing sector as well): The Pavia Hair Fashion award.
Visit to Keune The Netherlands
On April 20, the project partners will visit the Keune factory (www.keune.com). The focus during this visit is on sustainability and in particular on the environmental aspects. Keune has the so -called Keune Cares program in which Keune's long -term vision is laid down. This focuses on improving the well -being of their own people and society as a whole, realizing sustainable production and sustainable products.
Visit to headquarters Toni & Guy Italy
On the 16th of may the partners will visit the headquarters and Academy of Toni and Guy in Milan, Italy. The focus during this visit is on CSR and in particular on the environmental aspects. The owner of Toni and Guy, Italy will give a presentation on the policy and actions of their organization in that field (https://toniandguy.it/academy/).
Final conference in Italy
During the project, two multiplier events are planned to share results and to generate commitment and remarks from our stakeholders. The project will organize a final sector conference with student participation as closure of the project. See Output and download/Multiplier events for information and presentations.