Future skills for a better life in Sustainable Salons

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The project Sustainable salon is completed (12-10-2023)
Now that the activities of the Sustainable Salon project have been completed, writing of the final report to the EU has started. All developed outputs have been made downloadable, usually in 4 languages: English, Dutch, Italian and Spanish. You can download this for free, look at the output & download button.
Partners engaged in final project activities (31-08-2023)
The various partners in the project are mainly concerned with the completion of the activities in the project. In addition to the administrative tasks, these are mainly dissemination activities to promote the project to various target groups, such as the own management and staff of the participating institutes, management and teachers from other hairdressing schools, social partners in the sector and salon owners and employees in the hair and beauty sector.
Project closed with final partner meeting (21-05-2023)
The Sustainable salon project concluded with a final partner meeting May 15-16 and 17th in Pavia, Italy. During this final meeting a number of items were on the agenda:
- evaluating the multiplier event in Verona;
- discussing all the outputs: the research, the environmental management system for the hairdressing sector, the self-assessment tools, the teaching materials and the awareness tools (stickers and magazine);
- discussing the tasks we still need to complete;
- the dissemination action and impact and
- the administrative tasks and finances. The project will be formally completed by August 31, 2023. After the closure the end report must be submitted to the EU.
Multiplier event/Final conference was a major success (20-05-2023)
Last May 15, in Verona, Italy, was the final conference of the Sustainable salon project. About 140 invited guests (entrepreneurs, representatives of organizations and training institutions and partners) listened to the various parts of the program. In addition, there were networking moments and also during lunch a lot of knowledge and insights were exchanged. Afterwards one could look back on a successful event.
WELLNESS - Hairdressing and sustainability, today's choices for tomorrow's profession (20-05-2023)
The profile of the hairdresser of 2030 in terms of sustainability, technology and entrepreneurial skills was outlined at the closing event of the European Erasmus project GREEN SALON 2.0 "Future skills for a better life in Sustainable Salons", developed in partnership with Belgium, the Netherlands and Spain.
The day of in-depth discussion on the wellness professionals of today and tomorrow, organised by IVL - Istituto Veneto per il Lavoro - organisational partner of the Italian Chamber of Hairdressing, was held in Verona on 15 May in a crowded hall of the Hotel Leon d'Oro and focused on the themes of sustainability and professional training not only in Italy but throughout Europe. Of great importance were the outputs generated by the project, from the development of a simplified system for assessing environmental sustainability that can be used both in schools and in salons, to the production of online tools for self-assessment of the level of competence on environmental issues, as well as the production of teaching materials for schools and extracurricular training on sustainability in 'green' hairdressing salons available in Italian, English, Spanish and Flemish/Dutch.
Opening the proceedings was a video message of greeting from Confederal President Marco Granelli, who 'wanted to be there' despite a concurrent commitment. This was followed by a series of speeches focusing on young people and how hairdressing can gain appeal for future entrepreneurs and collaborators.
In this regard, the President of Confartigianato Benessere Tiziana Chiorboli, drawing on the results of a survey aimed at intercepting "Young people's view of the wellness professions" conducted on a panel of about 600 subjects aged between 18 and 35, wanted to highlight how the appreciation for the activity of hairdresser grows as the age of those interviewed increases. This makes it necessary to reflect on the necessary steps to be taken for beauty-related activities to be attractive to younger people.
As regards customer attendance at beauty salons, research has shown that under-35s in the Veneto region mainly (74%) go to salons for both hairdressing and beauty (only 10% to friends and acquaintances); 44% go no more than 3-4 times a year (men go more often than women, 83% go at least once every two months); those who go less often are mainly for cost reasons: 80%; over 44% have a salon they trust, but 40% have more than one reference point. The technical preparation of the professional, a clean environment and an understanding of the customer's needs are the three main characteristics of being 'elected' a salon of trust.
"Of particular interest," underlined President Chiorboli, "is the image that young people have of this category: the majority, more than 50 per cent, consider the hairdresser/beautician to be a technician, who performs precisely the service requested by the customer. The hairdresser is also recognised as having an artistic dimension. In fact, 30% consider the hairdresser to be 'an artist, who expresses his creativity in the service'. The main strengths are the perceived usefulness, the need for constant further training and the fact that the profession is considered to be decidedly young. Among young males, a number of prejudicial elements emerge (in terms of profitability, training, prestige, and keeping up to date) that make the profession relatively unattractive compared to how it appears to those who are a few years older.
A day dedicated to young people could not but end with a moment entirely dedicated to them, which was the awarding by the top management of the Italian Chamber of Hairdressing of the young winners of the ideas competition 'A logo for sustainability'.
Glossy magazine and Stickers Sustainable Salon published (04-05-2023)
One of the outputs of the Sustainable Salon project is the production of a magazine and stickers to raise awareness of sustainability in schools and salons. The project partners have developed a glossy magazine on the results of this project and the students have developed a set of stickers. The magazine/stickers will be printed and distributed to the visitors of the final conference/multiplier event in Verona (Italy) on 15 May. The magazine is also published on: ISSUU: https://issuu.com/hartog236/docs/magazine_mar23_def_complete_2904
Monday, May 15: Final Conference/Multiplier event (01/05/2023)
Starting 10.30 – 16.00 at Hotel Leon d’Oro, Viale Piave 5, Verona, Italy
Opening greetings
Young people’s view of welfare professions: presentation of research results Image and social desirability among young people.
Tools for training on the sustainability of the hairstyle industry: presentation of the results of the Erasmus+ project "Sustainable salon". Award ceremony of the young winners of the competition of ideas.
«A logo for sustainability», magazine presentation and 2030 objectives.
The future of vocational training in the welfare sector: speech of a manager of the Veneto Region.
Networking and light lunch
Focus Group "we build together the skills of the future for aesthetics and hairstyle“, only entrepreneurs of the category and the responsible of the Centers of professional formation of the Veneto.
Hanske de Krijger, hairdresser competition (24/04/2023)
Hanske de Krijger is a hairdressing competition organised by our school in collaboration with the former pupils' union. This competition took place on 24th of April at Salons Mantovani in Oudenaarde. Several schools are invited to this competition, as well as representatives of hairdressing products and independent hairdressers.
We thought this was an excellent moment to showcase the Erasmus project and the material already developed. I myself, as project manager within our school, was also present the entire day to give additional information and explanations to those interested. During the entire event, a presentation in Dutch was shown on a large screen. There were 13 participating schools and a total of 374 participants across the different trials. We did not have signatures from every participant, but we did have signatures from the person in charge of each participating school, supplemented by signatures from independent hairdressers and representatives.
On the one hand, the project content was well received, as each side is convinced that the time has come to sensitise people regarding sustainability. It is also time to pay more attention to the integration of sustainable business into training. On the other hand, there is also a questioning attitude towards the project, as it is felt that a lot also depends on Belgian regulations when it comes to sustainable business. Entrepreneurs are asking for premiums and subsidies for sustainable business. As for the scans, they were less enthusiastic, but this is mainly due to the fact that they are not familiar with the system and that it deters them from being evaluated.
Disseminating the outputs of Sustainable salon at European level (05-04-2023)
The activity of disseminating, at European level, the results of the Erasmus project “Future skills for a better life in Sustainable Salons https://www.sustainable-salon.info/ found an important occasion in the meeting of the European Social Dialogue Committee for Personal Services which was held in Brussels on 21 March 2023.
Istituto Veneto del Lavoro, Italian partner of the project, (Associated partner Camera Italiana dell’Acconciatura) presented the comprehensive approach project to sustainability during the meeting attended by Coiffure EU https://www.coiffure.eu/ and Uni Europa Hair & Beauty https://www.uni-europa.org/sectors/hair-beauty/ , the European organizations representatives of businesses and workers in the hairdressing and well-being sector
IVL presented all the outputs the project wants to achieve, (the profile of the 2030 hairdresser, Development of an evaluation system for environmental sustainability in schools and in salons, production of online tools for self-assessment of the level of competence on environmental issues, dissemination of communication materials for use with customers and partners) but focused on the production of learning materials.
The school partners of the project developed “Learning materials” for students available to schools, including textbooks, assignments, teachers manual, including a lesson plan with time division, teachers resources kits. All the materials are divided in 3 levels of detail and the 4 languages of the project (English, Dutch, Spanish ant Italian). These outputs will help teachers and students to introduce sustainability in the well-being sector of tomorrow.
The presentation has indicated the web site of the project as a fundamental lasting resource for bringing the output available for schools students, hairdressers salons, representative organizations to support sustainability in the sector.
The presentation collected the high interest amongst trade unions and hairdressers to participate in disseminating the project results and in making sustainability aspects as part of the next project on the implementation of the social partner agreement.
Final version practical environmental system Hair & Beauty published (20-03-2023)
For smaller companies in particular, the step towards a certifiable environmental management system is often too big to take at first. This environmental system has been developed especially for these companies to help them improve their practical environmental care step by step. This practical environmental care system is being developed within the framework of the European cooperation project Sustainable Salons. The participating partners want an environmentally friendly and safe working environment for all employees and students in the hairdressing sector and schools. Therefore, this environmental care system has been developed and can be introduced and used in salons and schools free of charge. This system provides background information and a method for assessing and improving the environmental performance of a salon or school. It includes practical measures to work in an environmentally friendly way. Aim: to prevent, limit or solve environmental risks. The basis for this is good information and involvement of employees. See Output 2: Environmental sustainability system. The English version was published the 1st of March and Dutch version on the 20th of March.
Train-the-trainer course followed by 24 participants (20-02-2023) (20-
The project "Future skills for a better life in Sustainable Salons" (Sustainable Salon) had its Train the Trainer meeting in Malaga, Spain. In this Erasmus+ project, we develop several outputs. In the training course on 13th- 15th of February 2023, we introduced the developed Learning material (output 4) to the participating teachers. The developed learning material was tested and evaluated during the training. The partners in the project also discussed the developed learning material for students, the teachers manuals and the teachers toolkit. In the coming period the developed material will be tested in the 4 participating schools. It will be finalized and translated in Dutch/Flemish, English, Italian and Spanish. The final versions will be published on the project-website: www.sustainable-salon.info. The others outputs are already published. During the meeting, we also we worked on the awareness material on sustainability. Stickers are designed by students of the participating schools. A magazine to create awareness will be developed in the coming period.
Learning material in concept ready! (7-02-2023)
The learning material, teachers manual and teachers toolkit are in concept developed. The content is about Sustainability and CO2, Energy, Water, Waste, Raw materials and Management. Three levels of the learning material are developed by the participating schools: Oudenaarde, El Palo, CIOFS and ROC Amsterdam.
The material will be tested and evaluated during the Train-the-Trainer course in Malaga, Spain during the 13th- 15th of February.
You can download the PDF of the documents on the output and download page. If you want to react or have comments, adjustments or improvements please contact.
New self-assessment tool: Competences of an entrepreneur is ready in 4 languages (27-12-2022)
The self-assessment tool is ready in 4 languages, Dutch/Flemish,English Italian and Spanish. Business and entrepreneurship has traditionally been associated with settled people in fancy dresses or suits. However, in the digital age, this has changed significantly, with more and more young people creating start-ups and other entrepreneurial ventures. Are you a entrepreneurial person and want to see how good your entrepreneurial skills are? With this self-assessment you can find out.
The scan consists of questions concerning five subjects: motivation and self-organisation, ideas and opportunities, collaboration and networking, resources, and turning ideas into action. See: Competencies of an entrepreneur in the Hair & Beauty sector .