Future skills for a better life in Sustainable Salons

Welcome at the website of the project:
"Future skills for a better life in Sustainable Salons"
Grant no 2020-1-NL01-KA202-064515
The hairdressing sector in Europe employs more than one million people across 400.000 hairdressing salons, receiving 350 million potential customers. Hairdressing (and barbering) services, together with beauty treatment - the hair and beauty sector as it is called, form the personal services sector. Over the last years the sector has gone through a great deal of changes. The sector often has more affinity with knowledge about their profession then with the other aspects of the business. Attention to labour, sustainability and environment, health and safety, marketing and services are success factors for the future. A lot of these aspects you could share under the label: sustainability & future oriented skills.
In this Erasmus+ project, we gather facts through an inventory of the hairdresser's competencies in 2030, the desired situation in a sustainable salon and focus on environmental aspects (core of a simple standard), competences needed to reach this situation and research on two diagnostic self-assessment tools to map the current situation on:
1. competence level and measuring the gap on profile and future competences and
2. the gap of the level towards the sustainability system on environment and sustainability in schools (salon).
The outcomes of the inventory will be discussed with experts and the results will later on serve as the input for developing the self-assessment tools, the learning material on environment in a sustainable salon and awareness material on sustainability.
The project works with a final sector conference with student participation along the project. Using the competences of the different partners, their network, the experts, entrepreneurs in the sector and the teachers and students in the conferences and at home in the schools we combine knowledge and perseverance to finalize the task in a good way.
Glossy magazine Sustainable Salon published
Disseminating the outputs of Sustainable salon at European level
The activity of disseminating, at European level, the results of the Erasmus project “Future skills for a better life in Sustainable Salons https://www.sustainable-salon.info/ found an important occasion in the meeting of the European Social Dialogue Committee for Personal Services.....more news : click here.
One of the Outputs of the the
project Sustainable Salon is
the making of a magazine.
The partners of the project
have developed a glossy
magazine on the results of this project ......more news: click here.