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EU project Green Salon


The project Green Salon ( aimed to develop innovative ways of learning about sustainability and to promote sustainability in schools and companies in the Hair & Beauty sector. This project was the follow-up of a EU-Leonardo partner project: Going Green.


We (teachers, students and other stakeholders involved) have combined the sustainable ideas through education and training with innovative ideas within the sector. We have generated educational products like workshops on sustainability and innovation, teaching materials for schools and extracurricular education about sustainability in the 'green' salon, did a study of management systems of sustainability in the sector, developed a diagnostic scan and roadmap for businesses and schools and a physical sustainability game and an Internet awareness game about sustainability and entrepreneurial skills.

In the Green Salon-project  the following output and learning materials is developed in five languages.

  • Research report and expert meeting

  • Sustainability game (physical)

  • Diagnostic scan and roadmap

  • Learning material on sustainability in the Green Salon

  • Sustainability game (internet)

  • Entrepreneurial skills assessment tools (internet)


All the materials can be used in VET-institutes, Higher Education and in incompany-training in SME-companies in the Hair & Beauty sector. This materials can be downloaded at the website of the Green Salon, click here.

The project partners developed a magazine, the Green Salon Magazine. It is also published at ISSUU, click here! The magazine of the Going Green project: click here!

The video of the Green Salon project is published on You Tube:

blad green salon.JPG
groep green salon.JPG
going green.JPG

© 2025 Sustainable salon-project.  All rights reserved.

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This project is funded by the European Union. 

This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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