Future skills for a better life in Sustainable Salons

Output: Learning material Green Salon project
In the Green Salon project we promised to develop three learning modules. More information of the learning Modules in your own language you can get of the contactperson of this language. Click here to go to the contactpage.
The three modules developed are:
Module 1: Environment and recycling
Module 2: Prevention and Risk
Module 3: Plan a green salon.
The three modules consist of :
learning material for the students including texstbook, assignments
teachersmanual including a lesson plan with time division
teachersresourcekit with links, powerpoint presentations, other materials.
The three modules have the following different lessons. Each lesson has the duration of one hour of 60 minutes in the classroom:
Module 1: Environment and recycling
1. Recycle waste
2. Recycle Electrical Items and Plastic
3. Reducing Consumption (Energy, products, paper etc)
4. Eco furniture
5. Encouraging Carbon-reducing Journeys to work
6. National legislation or requirements about Environmental Protection and recycling.
Download Module 1: ENG
Module 2: Prevention and Risk
See contact persons: Outputs & Learning material (greensalon.eu)
1. Dermatitis
2. Asthma & respiratory
3. Ergonomics
4. Micro climate
5. Health & wellbeing
6. Nails.
Module 3: Plan a green salon
See contact persons: Outputs & Learning material (greensalon.eu)
1. Develop a mood board
2. Designing your own green salon
3a. Draw/built a physical model
3b. Write a report
3c. Give a presentation
4. Business plan development
5. Bibliography
6. Additional information