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M1 First Technical Work Conference Ghent 27 October 2020

At this work conference in November in Ghent, Belgium, a selection of the participating partners prepared the Kick Off conference including the workshops. The kick off conference will take place in Schiphol-Rijk in Spring 2021.

M2 Online Kick off conference meeting, Schiphol-Rijk, The Netherlands


On the 1st and 2nd of February 2021 the first meeting is planned in Schiphol-Rijk, The Netherlands. In this meeting the central issues are:

  • Introduction partners

  • Scope of the project

  • Workshops:

1. Future profiles, entrepreneurial and hairdressers competences and future trends;

2. Method defining a standard/sustainability label for the hair salon;

3. Idea’s on developing learning material on sustainability and environmental aspects in the          sustainable salon.


  • Prepare the inventory (research) on developments in the sector focussed on:

- Status VET education in EU and partner countries on entrepreneurship, sustainability and  technology;

- Existing learning material;

- Company profiles & competences;

- Consequences developments on future profiles.

  • Dissemenation and Impact

  • Administration

  • Tasks in the coming period.

Intermediate online meeting 20th of April

On the 20th of April an intemediate online project meeting took place. Due to the COVID19 crisis was this meeting also online. In this Erasmus+ project, we gather facts through an inventory of the hairdresser's competencies in 2030, the desired situation in a sustainable salon and focus on environmental aspects (core of a simple standard), competences needed to reach this situation. In this meeting we discussed the progress of the research into the status of environmental aspects in the sustainable salon, both the design of the questionnaire and the preliminary first results of the partners in the various participating countries. In addition, the progress in research into the set-up of a simple certification system was discussed.   


Online Work Conference to  prepare first live project meeting 8th of June


On the 8th of June we organized another online meeting due to the Corona-crisis. Participants of five organizations participated to prepare the first live  Conference meeting planned on the  7th. 8th and 9th of Oktober in Italy. The Italy-meeting was sheduled in the beginning of July. Due to COVID 19 we are not allowed to travel. The online meeting was held to discuss progress on research, the job profile of a hairdresser and entrepreneur in 2030 and the sustainable standard. Also we discussed the dissimination/creating impact and the preparation of student activities.

M3 Partner Meeting in Pavia/Milano Italy  6 st, 7th, and 8th of October

On the 6st, 7th and 8th of October the second partnermeeting will be organized in Pavia/Milano. 

In this meeting the central issues are:

  • Introduction partners

  • Scope of the project

  • Status of the inventory (research) on developments and the jobprofiles of a hairdresser and an entrepreneur in 2030

  • Status of the environmental certification system

  • Dissemination and Impact

  • Administration

  • Tasks in the coming period.

M4 Partner Meeting in Oudenaarde 27th and 28th of January 2022

In this meeting the central issues are:

  • Concept report of the inventory (research) on developments and the job profiles of a hairdresser and an entrepreneur in 2030

  • Status of the environmental certification system

  • Preparation development self assessment and learning material

  • Dissemination and Impact

  • Tasks in the coming period.

Online work conferences on 22nd of February, 29th of March and 19th of April

In these meetings were discussed:

  • the look and feel of the two self assessment tools on environment. One tool on awareness, the other tool to get an indication on the own position towards the environmental aspects in the own Salon or the Salon in the educational institute.

  • The outlines of the three modules of the Learning material to develop.

M5  Partner Meeting and Multiplier Event in Malaga on the 11th- 13th of May 2022.

In this meeting the central issues are:

  • Definite report of the inventory (research) on developments and the job profiles of a hairdresser and an entrepreneur in 2030

  • Status of the environmental certification system

  • Concept of the development self assessment and outlines learning material

  • Discussion development Learning material

  • Discussion development physical awareness tools

  • Dissemination and impact

  • Tasks in the coming period.

  • Student program 11th-13th of May

  • Dissemination through a multiplier event on 12 May.

Multiplier event May 12th Malaga, Spain

M6 Partner Meeting on the 7th-8th-9th of November 2022 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands

  • Concept version of the Environmental system

  • Definite version of the self-assessment scans

  • Concept learning material

  • Status development physical awreness tools

  • Dissemination and impact

  • Tasks in the coming period.

  • Student program 09th-11th of November

Train the Trainer meeting 13st-15th of February in Malaga, Spain


Discussing the Learning material (O4), student material, teachers manual, teachers toolkit. Training of the teachers in working with the developed material.


Extra Partner Meeting in 20st and 21st of April 2023 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Discussing final Outputs O4 Learning Materials and O5 Physical awareness tools and the translations of O1 Inventory and O2 Environmental system in Dutch, Italian and Spanish. Discussion on testing O2 and O3 self assessment scans. Actions on dissemination and creating impact on the level of schools and salons.

Visit to Keune ( on sustainability. See publication Keune: click here.

M7 Final  Partner Meeting on the 16th-17th in Pavia, Italy and Multiplier event on the 15th of May in Verona Italy


Monday, May 15: Final Conference/Multiplier event 
Starting 10.30 – 16.00 at Hotel Leon d’Oro, Viale Piave 5, Verona, Italy



  • Opening greetings

  • Young people’s view of welfare professions: presentation of research results Image and social desirability among young people.

  • Tools for training on the sustainability of the hairstyle industry: presentation of the results of the Erasmus+ project "Sustainable salon", award ceremony of the young winners of the competition of ideas.

  • «A logo for sustainability», magazine presentation and 2030 objectives.

  • The future of vocational training in the welfare sector: speech of a manager of the Veneto Region.


Networking and light lunch

  • Focus Group "we build together the skills of the future for aesthetics and hairstyle“, only entrepreneurs of the category and the responsible of the Centers of professional formation of the Veneto.

Tuesday/Wednesday 16th and 17th of May 2023 Partner meeting Pavia, Italy

During this final Partnermeeting a number of items were on the agenda:

  • evaluating the multiplier event in Verona;

  • discussing all the outputs: the research, the environmental management system for the hairdressing sector, the self-assessment tools, the teaching materials and the awareness tools (stickers and magazine);

  • discussing the tasks we still need to complete;

  • the dissemination action and impact and

  • the administrative tasks and finances. The project will be formally completed by August 31, 2023.   


We also visited Toni & Guy headquaters and academy Italy in Milan (


After the closure the end report must be submitted to the EU.

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© 2025 Sustainable salon-project.  All rights reserved.

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This project is funded by the European Union. 

This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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