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Results period 4

The project Sustainable salon (Future skills for a better life in Sustainable Salons) has different time-periods with activities. On this page you can follow the ongoing process and all the presentations are published here.


Partner Conference live in Malaga combined with a multiplier event

The third live  project meeting on the 11th-13th of May 2022 to discuss the ongoing activities.


Environmental system, status

Distribution development learning materials: per subject / country

Student Program Italy

Student Program Amsterdam


Call for participation in the call for ideas "A logo for sustainability"

Art.1 – Background, end goals, objective

SUSTAINABILITY is more and more a principle to which we must refer in every sphere of our society; it is understood as the condition of development which is able to "ensure that the needs of the present generation are met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs," and it is taking on an increasingly global meaning, taking into account not only the environmental dimension but also the economic and social dimensions.


As part of the "Future skills for a better life in Sustainable Salons" Project, we intend to select some graphic symbols or images that can communicate and summarize the principles of environmental as well as economic and social SUSTAINABILITY.

The project: "Future skills for a better life in Sustainable Salons" (Erasmus+ 2020-1-NL01-KA202-064515) tries to transfer the ideas and knowledge on sustainability and environment through information, a simplified standard, education and training to students, schools, salons and their employees and other stakeholders in the hair and beauty sector. Besides providing insight into sustainability, this project aims to also give an image of the profile of a hairdresser in 2030 from the viewpoint of sustainability, technology and entrepreneurial skills.

More information is available at:



Art. 2 – The logo

The project intends to select 2 to 4 images or graphical proposals

The goal of the stickers is to convey the importance to live in a better word, where sustainability has to be a way of life of all the citizens.

With the dissemination and distribution  of the stickers the project wants to promote good behaviour in the field of sustainability.

Moreover, the proposal will have to meet the need to be used in different communication media, among which it will be used mainly as stickers: on mobile supports, walls, windows, but which can also be used in dematerialized format on web portals, social media, etc.

The images should be original, from the point of view of both creativity and authenticity. They should have strong recognizability and communication effectiveness in order to involve people and make them think about the meaning of sustainability.

As suggestion the the issues to focus on are for example water consumption, waste recycling, hazards chemicals free, green energy, fair trade, responsable consumption and so on.

The images should have an international appealing, the have to convey a clear message, easy to understand to European citizens and not only to national ones. The stickers will be disseminate by all the partners of the project from Netherland, Belgium, Italy and Spain.

The target of the stickers is not a specific target: everyone as a citizen, an entrepreneur, a worker, a student, a member of the society has to be involved in sustainable behaviour from childhood to adulthood.


The maximum size of the printing area is a square with the side of 8 cm

Each image should consist of:

-             a pictogram


  • a logotype, with typographic processing, or lettering created for the purpose

The proponents assume all liability for any infringement of intellectual property rights belonging to third parties related to the proposed logo, undertaking to hold the project partnership harmless from the burden of legal defence, expenses and damages as a result of actions brought against them.


Art. 3 Who can participate

Applications can be submitted by:

students of all levels, creatives, artists and image agencies.

Each person (individual or group) may submit only one project proposal under penalty of exclusion of all proposals involving them, either as an individual or as part of a group.


Art. 4 Terms and conditions of participation

The proposal should be received by 21/10/2022 and sent by email to

  1. the application form, dated and signed by the proposing party;

  2. in case of participating as a team, a statement signed by all members indicating the name of the contact person

  3. Table: The A4 sheet should contain the mark/logo printed in colour and the black and white version saved in pdf format.

Art. 6 - Conditions of ineligibility and exclusion

  1. Individual or group proponents not fitting the requirements of Articles 3 and 4 of these Regulations will not be admitted to the call.

  2. incomplete or missing entry documents referred to in Section 3 of Article 5 of these Regulations;

  3. received after the set deadline of 21/10/2022


Art. 7 – Evaluation Committee

Entries will be evaluated by a special committee appointed by the project partners.

The committee will have to identify, among all those admitted to the call, the most deserving entries based on the criteria identified by the committee (coherence, creativity and communication power).

The contest ranking list will be posted on the official project website:


Art. 9 Rewards

The selected entries will be disseminated by the project partners as part of promotional initiatives. The authors will be mentioned on the project website and in the Erasmus Future skills for a better life in Sustainable Salons project report.


Art. 10 - Ownership and publication rights for the entries

Entries submitted by participants must be created exclusively for this initiative.

The winning entries will become the exclusive property of the Future skills for a better life in Sustainable Salons project, which will acquire the rights to publish and use them for its own purposes, without the author(s) being able to make any kind of claim in the future. This is without prejudice to the right of authorship of the work.


Art. 11 - Responsibility and Acceptance

The proposers assume all responsibility for the originality of their projects, and thus the Future skills for a better life in Sustainable Salons project is held harmless from any claims that may be made by third parties in relation to the ownership of any rights related to the submitted entries.

By signing and transmitting the call application documents, proposers fully and unconditionally accept the provisions of these regulations.

The Future skills for a better life in Sustainable Salons partnership reserves the right to proceed with the cancellation of the call at any time.


© 2025 Sustainable salon-project.  All rights reserved.

magazine vk.jpg
blad green salon.JPG
logo erasmusplus-eu.png

This project is funded by the European Union. 

This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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