Future skills for a better life in Sustainable Salons

Results period 6
The project Sustainable salon (Future skills for a better life in Sustainable Salons) has different time-periods with activities. On this page you can follow the ongoing process and all the presentations are published here.
Train the Trainer course combined with a partner meeting
We combined the Train the Trainer course with a partner meeting during the 13th-15th of February 2023 to discuss the ongoing activities.
Presentation Background information project, introduction role teachers during the training
Presentation Final meeting and multiplier event in Verona/Pavia
Train the Trainer program
During the training was the program of the teachers during the 3 days focussed on the following items:
Testing the learning materials based on the Google Forms questionnaire (topics shuffled among teachers): Blanc Google forms questionaire O4 Learning Material
Finishing questionnaires, preparing to teach a 30 min class (based on lesson plans written for O4, level / topic of choice)
Collective discussion of the results of the questionnaire: Goole forms results questionnaire O4 Learning Material
Teachers teach 4 x 30 min class on the chosen / prepared subject:
- Testlesson Spain, see video. Translation click here.
- Testlesson Belgium: Kahoot click here!
Discussion of the lesson taught and other feedback of the teachers about the O4 Learning material
Preparing a creative report – e.g. a vlog or article with focus on impressions of the project in general and O4 in particular (to be published on the website, YouTube or magazine)
The teachers presenting the creative reports to the other participants/partners.
- Video The Netherlands
- Video Belgium