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News Archive 3

Final report research on developments and competences O1 published (20-12-2022)

The final report on the outcomes inventory/research on status education in EU and developments including discussion Status Future competences is published on the website, see Output and download. In this Erasmus+ project, we gather facts through an inventory of the hairdresser's competences in 2030, the desired situation in a sustainable salon and focus on environmental aspects (core of a simple standard), competences needed to reach this situation and research on two diagnostic self-assessment tools to map the current situation on: 1. competence level and measuring the gap on profile and future competences and 2. the gap of the level towards the sustainability system on environment and sustainability in schools (salon). Download report.


Practical environmental system Hair & Beauty in concept ready (20-10-2022)


In particular, smaller companies often find the step to a certifiable environmental care system too big in the first instance. The workbook of this environmental system has been drawn up especially for these companies with which practical environmental care in the company can be improved step-by-step. This practical environmental care system is being developed in the context of the European collaborative project Sustainable salons. The participating partners want an environmentally friendly and safe working environment for all workers and students in the hairdressing sector and at the schools. This is why this environmental care system has been established and can be introduced and used in salons and schools free of charge. This workbook contains background information and a method to assess and improve the status of environmental care in a salon and school. It contains practical measures aimed at environmentally friendly working. Objective : Preventing, limiting or solving environmental risks. Good information and involvement of the employees is the basis for this. See Output 2: Sustainability system on environment.


Collaboration agreement between IES El Palo and Cutters to promote Sustainable Salons (18-10-2022)

Within the framework of the internationalization and opening to the business sector that IES El Palo has been carrying out for years, a Collaboration Agreement has been established with the multinational hairdressing company "Cutters" which has more than 120 establishments throughout Norway, Finland and Sweden.  By virtue of this agreement, the multinational will give free specialization courses to our students, and will welcome them for their Erasmus internships and subsequent hiring, and we will offer them our facilities and our knowledge to improve the sustainability of their hairdressing salons. The representatives of the multinational have been pleasantly surprised by the European project: «Sustainable Salons».

Call for participation in the call for ideas "A logo for sustainability" (27-08-2022)

IVL has written the Call for ideas "A logo for sustainability”; you find the concept in following this link.

The aim is to involve people (students of all levels, creatives, artists and image agencies) to create stickers for the project Sustainable salon, making of physical awareness tools. 

After that corrections we will share the call for ideas in all our websites  and social media and all of us partners will have to involve schools, partners etc. to join the goal.

Micro- and Nano plastics and the environment (04-08-2022)


Microplastics are plastic particles, smaller than 5 mm, that are added on a large scale to, among other things, everyday consumer products or as semi-finished products in industry. Nanoplastics are plastic particles that are 1000 times smaller than an algae cell. The microplastics are in particular added as scrubbing agent, emulsifier or filler in, for example, toothpaste, shampoo and cosmetics. Microplastics cannot yet be purified from the wastewater or at extremely high costs. Many kilos of microplastics end up in the surface water every day. As a result, bio accumulation takes place in the food chain. A harmful development with major long-term consequences for the production of drinking water and public health.
Microplastics are not biodegradable, but break down into smaller and smaller pieces. And they are impossible to clean up. Microplastics, and the even smaller nano plastics, are now everywhere. Investigations also found microplastics in foods such as seafood, fruits and vegetables, beer, honey, bottled water, tap water, tea bags and sea salt. Negative effects can also be seen in nature. Animals swallow the pieces of plastic. Microplastics can also enter plants through the roots. This is how microplastics end up in the food chain and in our intestines. It has now been shown for the first time that small plastic particles from the living environment are present in the human bloodstream. Researchers from VU University Amsterdam and Amsterdam UMC published the results of this research on March 24, 2022.

Presentation to General Assembly of Coiffure Europa and the European Committee of the Social Dialogue of Personal Services (27-07-2022)

According to the indications of the Istituto Veneto del Lavoro (IVL) and the Camera Italiana dell'Acconciatura (CIA), Blando Palmieri presented the Sustainable salon project to the General Assembly of Coiffure Europa (on the 12th of June 2022) and to the European Committee of the Social Dialogue of Personal Services (on the 13th of June 2022). 
The presentation of the project in the Assembly stimulated the associations to give information on what they are doing on the subject of sustainability, which Blando Palmieri will collect and give as a contribution to the project.
The presentation of the project in the meeting of the Committee led to the decision to introduce the theme of sustainability in the work program of the Committee  and to include as a product of the project that UNI EUROPA with the participation of Coiffure EU will present to the Commission by 30 June 2022 the drafting of a joint document of Coiffure EU and UNI Europa on the theme of sustainability in the hairdressing and wellness sector, which will also take into account the results of the Sustainable salon project.


Ongoing process, developing simple system of sustainability on environment (21-07-2022)

During this period we work on the further elaboration and description of the simple system of sustainability on environment in the school and salon. The system will consist of a workbook describing the developed method that is derived from the ISO 14001 management system. ISO 14001 is an international standard for designing and implementing an environmental management system(EMS). ISO 14001 requirements provide a framework and guidelines for creating your environmental management system so that you do not miss important elements needed for an EMS to be successful. Two internal/external audit forms are also included with which a salon or school can assess itself or have this done by an external party. The (concept) results will soon be published on this website. See Output and download.

Self-assessment tools translated and finalized (24-06-2022)

The developed self-assessment tools are adjusted and published on the website. This applies to all language versions. Work is done on the translation of three Self-assessment tools.  The available tools are: two awareness tools, one for schools and one for salons. There is also an in-depth tool that provides insight into how you perform with regard to the environment in your salon or school on the following (environmental) aspects: raw materials, management, waste, water energy and legislation. The tools that work via the internet immediately give the result of your score.

Go to the self-assessment tools!


Well-attended Multiplier event in Malaga (16-05-2022)

On Thursday 12 May, a multiplier event was organized in Malaga as part of the Sustainable salon project. During this 4.5 hour event in a beautiful location in Malaga, approximately 110 visitors from the Hair and Beauty sector, hairdressing schools from all over Andalusia and local authorities attended the presentations, visited the information market and had time to network at the end of the  evening.

In the presentations, attention was paid to research into relevant developments in technology, sustainability and entrepreneurship and the significance for the competences of the hairdresser; the various aspects of the environment in the hairdressing salon were discussed and one of the self-assessment tools developed was tested with the visitors present. About 85 visitors completed the scan for environmental awareness in the salon.

The information market with stands of the various parties involved was also well attended and most visitors only left for home towards the close of the evening. Both on the evening and the following Friday, many positive reactions were heard and there was a lot of interest among salon owners and teachers for additional information. All in all a successful event!


Self-assessment tools in concept ready (03-05-2022)

15In the past months the staff of El Palo and Stivako developed the questionnaires on environment in the sustainable salon. Four self-assessment tools were developed: two awareness scans, one for the schools, one for the salons. Also an extensive scan has been developed with which the schools and salon owners can map the state of affairs with regard to the environment in their school or salon. The fourth scan focuses on the organizational aspects of environmental care in the hairdressing business. These scans are based on the research done by Stivako into the various environmental aspects in the hair salon. This information was tested in practice and further supplemented by the project partners during and after the partner meeting in Oudenaarde. Information on and access to the scans you can find on the page Output and download, ore click here!


Multiplier event in Malaga 11 may 2022 (12-04-2022)

In Malaga, Spain the first multiplier event of this project: Future skills for a better life in Sustainable Salons will be organized. Representatives of the target group of this project (entrepreneurs, teachers and management of schools, suppliers, local government and representatives of the social partners will be welcomed. Do you want more information on this event? Please contact the organizing partner: El Palo:

Report research on developments and competences O1 published (08-04-2022)

The final report on the outcomes inventory/research on status education in EU and developments including discussion Status Future competences is published on the website, see Output and download. In this Erasmus+ project, we gather facts through an inventory of the hairdresser's competences in 2030, the desired situation in a sustainable salon and focus on environmental aspects (core of a simple standard), competences needed to reach this situation and research on two diagnostic self-assessment tools to map the current situation on: 1. competence level and measuring the gap on profile and future competences and 2. the gap of the level towards the sustainability system on environment and sustainability in schools (salon). Download report.


Ongoing process, developing self assessment tools (04-04-2022)

During this period we are developing two self-assessment tools with which people can map their position in relation to the environment in their own Salon or school. In addition, the design of three learning modules is being prepared for hairdressing education. An online meeting on this topic was recently held and another online meeting will take place in mid-April. The teaching material aimed at environmental care and waste from the previous Green Salon project has also been published on this website. You can download the teaching materials of Module I. Click on the Output and downloads button. Below an overview on the three modules of the learning material to develop.

Online meetings Hairdress schools on developing learning material (20-04-2022)

During two meetings online the representatives of the four participating schools in the project discussed on the development of the learning material on environment. During the partnermeeting in Malaga the final design of the courses will be made. the idea is to develop 3 levels, see  image below.

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multiplier event overzicht.jpg

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This project is funded by the European Union. 

This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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