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News Archive 1

Video sustainable salon (10-05-2021)

Intermediate online meeting (20-04-2021)

On the 20th of April an interim online project meeting took place. Due to the COVID19 crisis was this meeting also online. In this Erasmus+ project, we gather facts through an inventory of the hairdresser's competencies in 2030, the desired situation in a sustainable salon and focus on environmental aspects (core of a simple standard), competences needed to reach this situation. In this meeting we discussed the progress of the research into the status of environmental aspects in the sustainable salon, both the design of the questionnaire and the preliminary first results of the partners in the various participating countries. In addition, the progress in research into the set-up of a simple certification system was discussed.   

First online conference online!  (06-02-2021)

The Sustainable salon-project has started with a first kick off online conference in the beginning of February 2021. The Kick off was originally planned to take place in December 2020 in Schiphol-Rijk, the Netherlands. 
Due to COVID-19 travel is not possible, so we have converted the physical conference into a two-day Skype conference.

The aim of the Sustainable salons project is to gather facts through an inventory of the hairdresser's competencies in 2030, the desired situation in a sustainable salon and focus on environmental aspects (core of a simple standard), competences needed to reach this situation and research on two diagnostic self-assessment tools to map the current situation on:

1. competence level and measuring the gap on profile and future competences and

2. the gap of the level towards the sustainability system on environment and sustainability in schools (salon).

The outcomes of the inventory will be discussed with experts and the results will later on serve as the input for developing the self-assessment tools, the learning material on environment in a sustainable salon and awareness material on sustainability.

A Happy New Year 2021 (31-12-2020)


2020 was an exciting year for everyone and therefore also for us at the Sustainable Salon- project. We look back on a year in which not much was possible. The different countries of the partners had different situations with regard to COVID-19. This meant that contacts with the partners became much more difficult and activities could only be organized at a distance. Hopefull 2021 will be a better year for organizing events and partner meetings.

We wish everyone a healthy and prosperous 2021. We look forward to it with great expectation and hope to be able to work with you on this interesting project.


Technical Work Conference online was a success (27-10-2020)


On the 27th of October the TWC was organized online due to the Corona-crisis. Participants of five organizations participated to prepare the Kick Off Conference planned on the 1st and 2nd of February 2021 in The Netherlands. The three workshops on future profiles of a hairdresser and entrepreneur, a sustainability label and developing learning material were discussed. Also the preparation of the inventory (research) in the participating countries has been started. 

Sustainable salon-project has started!  (01-09-2020)

In september 2020 the project: Future skills for a better life in Sustainable Salons (Sustainable salon) officially has started. The first Technical Work Conference will take place in Ghent in November 2020. This project has as central aim to create educational products and will include:

  • workshops on sustainability and innovation, teaching materials for schools and extracurricular education about sustainability in the 'sustainable' hair salon;

  • development of a profile of a hairdresser and its competences (sustainability, technology, entrepreneurship) in 2030;

  • a simplified low threshold system on sustainability/environment (label) for schools (salon);

  • a self-assessment internet tools on competence level and measuring the gap on profile and future competences and the gap of the level towards the sustainability system;

  • specific learning material on sustainability/environment focussed on the sector and

  • awareness tools to use in VET and salons to use in communication with employees and clients on the subjects.


The developed outcomes can be applied for the project target groups: VET-institutes, SMEs, sector organizations and others in the Hair & Beauty sector.

Week of Erasmus+ (26-09-2020) 

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